a vision

a meditation

an urge 

a gut feeling

I now believe that these are direct communications through worlds — veils are broken in order for this conversation of speaking and listening and channeling. 

Sometimes in the form of words, sometimes shapes, sometimes just a texture or feeling. 

Created from light + love — dissolving fears and uplifting dreams. 

Sometimes it is only a whisper, so faint that everything else must completely disappear from sight and sound in order for it to live with me in solitude for a moment. 

And only just for that moment. 

And then it is gone. 

Other times it is so loud and blinding that it is all i know to be real — like i have to know; i have to feel it and communicate it to the world, or else it will fill me from the inside out, all the way, expanding from my bones to the thin veil of my skin. 

They live in the shadows and begin to shuffle into the light in order to speak their language to the world; 

and i am only their translator.